Monday, August 20, 2012

Entry #5: Pictures, Images, Photos photos photos

I loved today's lecture!
Everything was about pictures. I am such a visual creature.
Pictures are a huge part of social media. We are visual creatures.

The lecture talked about picture stories in Australia, where the Indigenous people of Australia craved and painted on stone, and in France as well.
It just reminded me of my roots.
The Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra, India has one of the most elaborate paintings and carvings about the life of Buddha. They are considered to be masterpieces of Buddhist religious art! Imagine, a picture story which would be able to re-tell the life of the founder of Buddhism! HOW COOL IS THAT?!

When I was at the Vatican City, I saw many beautiful painting, and I've always wondered "Why paint when they could have written it out?!" After today's lecture, I found the answer: BECAUSE THEY COULD READ.
( if only i gave this excuse during my exams, i would be able to draw my answers out and ace the exam! pfft.)

"What makes a great photo?" section was interesting.
As an avid photographer myself, I find myself always trying to find the perfect shot. And it was great to find that individuals have different taste and likes when it comes to their visuals and pictures. To take good photo, framing, focus, angle and point of view, light exposure, shutter speed and "capturing the moment".
I love taking photos of building and architecture. It makes me wonder about the hard work put into building a fantastic structure. Maybe, I might switch Zoology for Photography... who knows? :)

Eyeing London
Colosseum Faces

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