Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Entry #11: Agenda Setting

Image obtained from Google.com
I think this image perfectly describes Agenda Setting, which was the topic for this lecture. In this lecture, Bruce covered the definition of Agenda Setting. In the beginning of this lecture, I had problems understanding the definition of Agenda Setting (awkies...) So, obviously- I used Wiki, and you can stop judging me thereeeeee.
Anyway, here goes the definition:
Agenda-setting theory describes the "ability [of the news media] to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda (Source: Wikipedia)
He also went on by introducing us to the different types of Agenda Settings: which included 1) Public, 2) Policy, 3) Corporate and  4) Media Agenda- which are all inter-related. The "Agenda-Setting Family" was discussed as well. This included:
  • Media Gatekeeping - where the media decides what would be revealed to the Public
  • Media Advocacy - where the media promotes an important message or cause
  • Agenda Cutting - where most of the important "bits" which are going on in the world, like AIDS, Child Trafficking, isn't represented due to importance on other issues like "Lady Gaga's OOT" - like seriously, if she wore meat, that would be front page! oh wait....she did that already! -_-
  • Agenda Surfing - where the media follows the crowd and trends, and shows how the existing public opinion influences others towards a particular opinion.
  • Diffusion of News- portrayal of an issue influences how one perceives it.
I came past this quote, and it perfectly explains how I feel about Agenda Setting:
“The social world is … a kaleidoscope of potential realities, any of which can be readily evoked by altering the way in which observations are framed and categorized."
 Its amazing how once something is portrayed in the media, we automatically believe that it has got to be real. I mean, why would they release something false, right?...NO! Recently, there has been a number of "Twitter Deaths" where celebrities were killed on Twitter. Every single time I went on twitter, guess what was trending? (okay no jellybeans for correct guesses. Poor Uni student here :/) Yeah, you got it- "SO-AND-SO, RIP". I mean seriously, MORGAN FREEMAN?! That dude is a legend okay! >:(
This shows that you can never believe everything you read or hear. So, everyone got to do our little homework (on top of Uni work) to find out if whatever information we are getting is actually reliable.

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